Sunday Night Stories's Podcast


Felix O'Brien, Emily Wilden

Sunday Night Stories


Written by Felix O’Brien

Narrated by Emily Wilden

Welcome back to Sunday night stories! As you may have noticed we didn’t have a story last week, and we will be changing to fortnightly episodes for the time being. This is simply due to a lack of hours in the day, but hopefully in the summer we will resume as normal. 

Tonight we are welcoming back Felix O'Brien with a piece called Help.

Felix attended writing groups at Soho, the Royal Court and now also The Tron, he has also been Shortlisted for Playwrights Studio Scotland's New Playwrights Awards.

Once again he has produced another brilliant piece of writing. 

Please be aware that there is some strong language in this piece.

If you have a piece of writing or audio you would like to share please DM or email us at


Written by Felix O’Brien

Narrated by Emily Wilden